Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to You Are The Leader

    • A message from the instructor

    • What is Project Work and a Thinking Ally? An Explanation of this Relationship Based Approach

    • Cultivating a Shared Understanding of Language

    • Land Acknowledgement

    • Copy of Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer

  • 02

    Values Driven Practice

    • WHAT are YOUR values? What Do they look like in action?

    • "It's easy to live into your values when things are going to plan; the greatest leaders live into their values when the plan falls apart"

    • What Does this Mean for Children? Why Do We Want Educators With a Sparkle In their Eyes...

    • Bringing Theory To Practice: Provocations for Project Work with Your Thinking Ally

  • 03

    Finding Your Why

    • Why have a WHY?

    • Start With WHY: How Great Leaders Inspire Action. A Message From Simon Sinek

    • Finding Your Individual Why

    • What is an Organization's "just cause" ?

    • The Organization's Vision

    • What does alignment look like?

    • Discovering our Group WHY

    • Discovering Our Group Why: A Possible Staff Meeting Agenda

    • Bringing Theory To Practice: Provocations for Project Work with Your Thinking Ally

  • 04

    SMART Goal Planning

    • Life by Default

    • Begin With the End in Mind

    • Begin With The End In Mind

    • How You Spend Your Time Matters

    • Mapping A Path For Success

    • SMART Goal Plan

    • Goal Planning Template

    • The Paradoxes of Staff Reviews

    • Bringing Theory to Practice

  • 05


    • References