Leading With Purpose
A course for leaders who are looking for clarity on how to support themselves and their teams with understanding their vision, mission, and values.
A message from the instructor
What is Project Work and a Thinking Ally? An Explanation of this Relationship Based Approach
Cultivating a Shared Understanding of Language
Land Acknowledgement
Copy of Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer
WHAT are YOUR values? What Do they look like in action?
"It's easy to live into your values when things are going to plan; the greatest leaders live into their values when the plan falls apart"
What Does this Mean for Children? Why Do We Want Educators With a Sparkle In their Eyes...
Bringing Theory To Practice: Provocations for Project Work with Your Thinking Ally
Why have a WHY?
Start With WHY: How Great Leaders Inspire Action. A Message From Simon Sinek
Finding Your Individual Why
What is an Organization's "just cause" ?
The Organization's Vision
What does alignment look like?
Discovering our Group WHY
Discovering Our Group Why: A Possible Staff Meeting Agenda
Bringing Theory To Practice: Provocations for Project Work with Your Thinking Ally
Life by Default
Begin With the End in Mind
Begin With The End In Mind
How You Spend Your Time Matters
Mapping A Path For Success
SMART Goal Plan
Goal Planning Template
The Paradoxes of Staff Reviews
Bringing Theory to Practice