Course curriculum

  • 01

    The Competent and Capable Child; More than just words on a paper.

    • Welcome and Aspirations For This Encounter

    • Pedagogical Intentions

    • Land Acknowledgement

    • How To Navigate This Online Space

    • Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer

    • What Are We Thinking Now? A Space For Reflection

  • 02

    Pedagogical Offering #1: Child As A Savage. Uncomfortable Truths of The History of Childhood

    • Reflecting With the Discourses that Make Up Our Image of the Child

    • What is Child(hood) and What Does this Do To Our Image of the Child?

    • Circling Back To Our Reflections That Make Up Our Image of the Child

  • 03

    Pedagogical Offering #2: How Do Pedagogical Decisions Bring to Life the Competent and Capable Child?

    • Listening to Four Year Olds: How they can help us plan their care and education

    • Children's Perspectives On Childhood

    • Looking Closely At the Pedagogical Decisions that Creating Conditions for The Agentic Child

    • Pedagogical Documentation as an Encounter to Understand Our Image of the Child More Deeply

    • An Onion As A Metaphor for Educator's Pedagogical Choices

    • Reflecting On Our Practice and Pedagogical Choices

  • 04

    Pedagogical Offering #3: Dismantling Discourses To Make Way For a Different Experience

    • Reflecting with Stories: What Image of the Child do we see being enacted?

    • An Alternative Narrative about Childhood. What Image of the Child is being enacted here?

    • What Image of the Child Would Bring this into existence?

    • A Space For Reflection: Reflecting with Stories

    • Confronting Our Ideas of Protectionism

    • Making Space for The Curious Child

    • A Space For Reflection: Reflecting with Stories

  • 05

    Pedagogical Offering #4: Bringing Theory Into Existence: Thinking with Alternative Narratives To Reconsider our Image of the Child

    • The Power In Children's Art: An Artist Researcher Perspective

    • "What if I started treating you the same way we treated children?" -Tom Hobson

    • Reflecting with Reggio: What Can we Learn About Ourselves in Reflecting with their Image of the Child?

    • 100 Languages of Children: A Provocation To Think With

    • Making Our Thinking Visible: (Re)considering our Image of the Child

  • 06

    References & Resources

    • References