Course curriculum

  • 01

    Introduction and Intentions

    • We were always here-Acknowledgement (A Film by Jonathan Elliott)

    • Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer

    • Thinking with Intersectionality-Intentions for this Module

  • 02

    Resources for Option 1: Orienting ourselves with the Ontario Context

    • How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy For the Early Years

    • Building, Equipment and Playground (Ministry of Education)

    • The Kindergarten Program (Pages 29-24 Focus on the Environment)

    • A Single Story of Quality

  • 03

    Resources for Option 2: Creating Conditions to Think with Intersectionality

    • "The world is poorly designed, but copying nature helps"

    • Biomimicry and Design

    • Why should feminism be essential to design?

    • What if great architecture and design told a story?

    • What Would Be Possible if Education Subtracts Itself from Developmentalism

    • Mandatory Survey-Workforce Funding