(BFRC) Tilt Towards Connection Series
How to use this course
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Our Aspirations for This Module
Why do we need to uphold the values of collaboration in our daily practice?
Why should we care about collaboration?
Reflecting on ourselves
Start With WHY: How Great Leaders Inspire Action. A Message From Simon Sinek
WHAT are YOUR values? What Do they look like in action?
"It's easy to live into your values when things are going to plan; the greatest leaders live into their values when the plan falls apart"
What Does this Mean for Children? Why Do We Want Educators With a Sparkle In their Eyes...
Reflecting on our values
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Why have a WHY?
Finding Your Individual Why
Finding your why
The Organization's Vision
What does alignment look like?
Discovering our Group WHY
Finding places for alignment
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Reflecting with Reggio: What Can we Learn About Ourselves in Reflecting with their Image of the Child?
Bringing your Image of the Child to life
What is Child(hood) and What Does this Do To Our Image of the Child?
Listening to Four Year Olds: How they can help us plan their care and education
It's Important to Reflect on History in order to understand where we would like to go
Pedagogical Documentation as an Encounter to Understand Our Image of the Child More Deeply
Do the stories you tell of children speak to their competence?
Reconsidering your image of the child
Who is the educator?
In a world looking for templates, how might we look at values instead?
Studying documentation so that we can understand ourselves
"I can happily tell you, there is NO clock in my classroom" -Maria Lallier
If learning is supposed to be child lead, what is my role?
What has this perspective generated in your practice?
Discovery's Values about Space and Environments
Bringing your Image of Environments to Life
What does this all have to do with your values and vision?
"I want to live in a world where..."
Let's reflect: I want to live in a world where...
Step 1: A framework for co-constructing your program statement as a team
Step 2: Operationalize your values
Examples from Discovery's Process
Step 3: Use your values and world you wish to live in to reconsider your program statement.
One process to provide inspiration
Creating a strategic plan around this vision
It's time to make your own strategic plan
Monthly Plans to set you up for success-Tool to use to cultivate shared accountability
Where will I find the TIME to do all of this?
The value of data when engaging in evolution: Creating channels to receive feedback
You are key in making this vision come to life